Genus Chortoglyphus Berlese, 1884


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-May-2013 07-May-2013 MODIFIED
07-May-2013 07-Aug-2012 MOVED
07-May-2013 29-Jul-2010 MOVED
07-May-2013 28-Jul-2010 MOVED
07-May-2013 28-Jul-2010 MOVED
08-Jul-2010 MODIFIED

Species Chortoglyphus arcuatus (Troupeau, 1879)


General References

Colloff, M.J. 2009. Dust Mites. Melbourne : CSIRO Publishing pp. 583. (as Chortoglyphus arcuatus)

Domrow, R. 1992. Acari Astigmata (excluding feather mites) parasitic on Australian vertebrates: an annotated checklist, keys and bibliography. Invertebrate Taxonomy 6: 1459-1606 (as Chortoglyphus arcuatus)

Hughes, A.M. 1976. The Mites of Stored Food and Houses. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Technical Bulletin. London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office Vol. 9 400 pp. (as Chortoglyphus arcuatus)

Michael, A.D. 1903. British Tyroglyphidae. London : Ray Society Vol. 2 183 pls i-x. (as Chortoglyphus arcuatus)

Zakhvatkin, A.A. 1941. Fauna of U.S.S.R. Arachnoidea. Vol. VI. No. 1. Tyroglyphoidea (Acari).Translated and edited by A. Ratcliffe and A. M. Hughes, 1959. Washington D.C. : American Institute of Biological Sciences 573 pp. (as Chortoglyphus arcuatus)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-May-2013 07-May-2013 MODIFIED
07-May-2013 07-Aug-2012 MOVED
07-May-2013 29-Jul-2010 MOVED
07-May-2013 28-Jul-2010 MOVED
07-May-2013 28-Jul-2010 MOVED
08-Jul-2010 MODIFIED