Species Berlesia rapax Canestrini, 1884


Miscellaneous Literature Names



Canestrini (1884) described Berlesia rapax from two females collected from cotton that had been used to pack insects of Australian origin. Sellnick (1958) recorded the same species on the basis of a male from Sweden, but that record must be regarded as unconfirmed.


General References

Berlese, A. 1910. Lista di nuove specie e nuovi generi di Acari. Redia. Giornale di entomologia, Firenze 6: 242-271 (as Berlesia rapace)

Rainbow, W.J. 1906. A synopsis of Australian Acarina. Records of the Australian Museum 6: 145-193 (as Berlesia rapax)

Sellnick, M. 1958. Milben aus Landwirtschaftlichen betrieben Nordschwedens. Meddelanden Statens Växtskyddsanstalt Stockholm 11: 9-59 (as Berlesia rapax)


History of changes

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07-May-2013 07-May-2013 MODIFIED
06-Nov-2011 06-Nov-2011 MOVED
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08-Jul-2010 MODIFIED