- Balaana gigantea Lambkin, C.L. & Yeates, D.K. in Lambkin, C.L., Yeates, D.K. & Greathead, D.J. 2003. An evolutionary radiation of beeflies in semi-arid Australia: systematics of the Exoprosopini (Diptera:Bombyliidae). Invertebrate Systematics 17: 735-891 [768].
Type data:
Holotype QM T99033 ♂ (30.xii.1990, G. & A. Daniels), QLD: Isla Gorge Nat. Park [25°11'S, 149°58'E].
Paratype(s) GDCB 1446, 14155 1♂, 1♀ (14.i.1991, G. & A. Daniels), QLD: 6 km N Taroom [25°36'S, 149°46'E]; GDCB 14153 ♀ (1.i.1991, G. & A. Daniels), QLD: Mt Scoria, 6 km S Thangool [24°32'S, 150°36'E].
New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia
History of changes
Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
26-Aug-2010 | ADDED |