Species Axis axis (Erxleben, 1777)

CAVS: 1524


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Introduced from India.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NSW, Qld, SA: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), NSW North Coast (NNC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Diurnal, folivore, gregarious, herbivore, nocturnal, open forest, temperate, terrestrial.


General References

Anderson, R. 1978. Gold on Four Feet.Commercial deer farming: a new rural industry of outstanding potential. Collingwood : R. Anderson & Assoc. 160 pp.

Anderson, R. 1979. Deer farming in Australia. Proceedings of the Post-graduate Committee of Veterinary Science University of Sydney 49: 55-71

Bentley, A. 1978. An Introduction to the Deer of Australia with Special Reference to Victoria. Melbourne : R.A. Manning for the Koetong Trust Service Fund, Forests Comm., Vic. 350 pp.

Bentley, A. 1995. Chital Axis axis. pp. 739-741 in Strahan, R. (ed.). The Mammals of Australia: The National Photographic Index of Australian Wildlife. Sydney : Reed New Holland 756 pp.

Bentley, A. 1998. An Introduction to the Deer of Australia. Melbourne : Australian Deer Research Foundation.

Blanford, W.T. 1891. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Mammalia. Part 2. London : Taylor & Francis pp. i-vi 251-617.

Corbet, G.B. & Hill, J.E. 1980. A World List of Mammalian Species. London : British Museum viii 226 pp.

English, A.W. 1979. Veterinary aspects of deer farming in New South Wales. Proceedings of the Post-graduate Committee of Veterinary Science University of Sydney 49: 127-202-1 pl.

Haltenorth, T. 1963. Klassifikation der Säugetiere: Artiodactyla. Handbuch der Zoologie Berlin 8(teil 1, lfg. 32): 1-167 pls 1-16

Jesser, P. 2005. Deer in Queensland. Pest Status Review. Brisbane : Land Protection, Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

Keep, J.M. 1979. The distribution of wild deer in Australia. Proceedings of the Post-graduate Committee of Veterinary Science University of Sydney 49: 15-19 1 pl.

Moriarty, A. 2004. The liberation, distribution and management of wild deer in Australia. Wildlife Research 31: 291-299

Rolls, E.C. 1969. They All Ran Wild. The Story of Pests on the Land in Australia. Sydney : Angus & Robertson 444 pp. 21 pls.

Schaller, G.B. 1967. The Deer and the Tiger. A study of wildlife in India. Chicago : Univ. Chicago Press 370 pp. 30 pls.

Tuckwell, C. 1998. Australian Deer Industry Manual, Part 3: Classification and Species Selection. Canberra : Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation and Deer Industry Company.

Whitehead, G.K. 1972. Deer of the World. London : Constable xii 194 pp. 33 pls.

Whitehead, G.K. 1993. The Whitehead Encyclopedia of Deer. Shrewsbury : Swan Hill Press.


Common Name References

ABRS 2001. Census of Australian Vertebrates. Australian Biological Resources Study. (Chital)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
16-Dec-2010 16-Oct-2013 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Subspecies Axis axis axis (Erxleben, 1777)

CAVS: 1887




New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia

Extra Distribution Information

Introduced from India.


NSW, Qld, SA: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), NSW North Coast (NNC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Ecological Descriptors

Diurnal, folivore, gregarious, herbivore, nocturnal, open forest, temperate, terrestrial.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
16-Dec-2010 16-Dec-2010 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)