Species Aprivesa pronotalis (Distant, 1917)

Saltbush Planthopper

Compiler and date details

28 April 2011 - Murray J. Fletcher


Generic Combinations



This species is distributed in inland areas of New South Wales and has been found on saltbush, Atriplex spp (Chenopodiaceae). It can be differentiated from the other two described Australian species, both of which have also been recorded in inland New South Wales, by the evenly pale brown tegmina.




New South Wales


NSW: Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Riverina (RIV)

Ecological Descriptors

All stages: phloem feeder (associated flora: Atriplex [CHENOPODIACEAE] saltbush).



Head, pronotum and scutellum pale ochraceous, with small, somewhat obscure, darker mottlings; pronotum with a large spot occupying each lateral area and sometimes the anterior margin black; scutellum with a small black spot near each basal angle; abdomen above brownish olivaceous, the basal segment greyish or very pale ochraceous; body beneath and legs pale ochraceous, with some very small and obscure darker mottlings, those on the face sometimes forming a dark central spot; facial lateral marginal areas with a series of small dark spots; tegmina pale dull ochraceous, with dark mottlings, of which the largest are on the apical halves of costal areas, many of the discal longitudinal veins prominently blackish; wings subhyaline, the venation pale ochraceous; head (including eyes) about as broad as pronotum, anterior margin slightly rounded in front of eyes, and with a transverse subconvex ridge between eyes, and a central longitudinal carination, on posterior area two small subexcavate dark spots. Long., excl. tegm., 4½–5½ mm; exp. tegm. 13–16 mm (Distant 1917).


Diagnosis References

Distant, W.L. 1917. Descriptions of some Ethiopian and Australian Homoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8 20: 186-191 [187–188]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
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